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Nowadays is there really a difference between brick-and-mortar and online retail businesses? Even if we plan to go shopping at a brick-and-mortar store (it is easier to try on clothes in person than via virtual reality) don’t we often first check out the store’s offerings online? And what does this mean for the future of…
Selling groceries whether offline or online is now likely to be more complicated due to Amazon’s intended purchase of Whole Foods. In the June 23, 2017 Forbes article “Amazon Buys Whole Foods. Now What? The Story Behind The Story”, Bruno Aziza says: In a move that surprised many last week, Amazon announced its intention to…
Given all the top-priority goals that a business may have, how important is building trust between employer and employee? The July 5th Harvard Business Review article “Want Your Employees to Trust You? Show You Trust Them” by Holly Henderson Brower, Scott Wayne Lester, and M. Audrey Korsgaard says: Executives and managers invest a lot of…
The Internet of Things (IoT) offers the convenience of refrigerators that can tell you when you are out of items and home appliances that can be controlled when you’re away from home. Yet at the same time the Internet of Things raises serious security issues that more and more of your personal data is now…
The official launch on July 17, 2017, of the Amazon Spark social media platform — initially for Amazon Prime members with iOS phones — may herald even more competition for both online and offline retailers. Now in a potentially game-changing move Amazon can employ social media and social proof to encourage product purchases directly on…
With the recent news of Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods, media outlets have been awash with speculation on what this acquisition means for a range of companies. If your business is consumer-facing, you may be concerned about what this acquisition means for you. At Enplug we often spend time considering how our product can help…
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