ID-100108948While many have very little, we sometimes take things for granted. But a recent poll of Spectrio team members showed that we really are thankful for what we have.

Here are the Top 15, some general (and mentioned many times) and some very specific:


  1. Loving family (furry family members included!)
  2. “My good health and overall good health of my family.”
  3. “I’m most thankful for my family for inspiring me, believing in me, and giving me the strength to keep going. They are my biggest fans and I’m theirs!”
  4. Support of incredible friends
  5. Awesome co-workers
  6. “I’m thankful to work with a talented and caring group of individuals across the country.”
  7. A full-time job with health benefits
  8. “A company that appreciates hard work and rewards it.”
  9. Fantastic bosses
  10. “When most companies are trying to scale back and do more with less, our mission statement seems to be, ‘What can we do to blow the roof off?!'”
  11. Our military
  12. “All the little things in life that everyone takes for granted but mean so much.”
  13. “Dunkin’ Donuts iced coffee…when it’s made right.”
  14. “Chocolate milkshakes and Pinterest. And pumpkin spice scented candles.”
  15. “Free parking.”

Before the holiday festivities begin, take a few minutes to think about what you’re thankful for. And feel free to add to our list in the comments below!

Image courtesy of nuttakit /