Loading audio onto your Spectrio USB message on hold equipment is simple!

Here’s a quick “cheat sheet”

  • Find hardware in phone closet and remove USB stick.
  • Download new audio. Copy.
  • Plug USB stick into your computer and Open to View Files.
  • Delete old audio off USB stick, and Paste new audio.
  • Safely remove drive from USB port and plug it back into equipment.

And here’s a link to our helpful video tutorial:


If you’d like a little more detail…

First, you’ll need to find the equipment, located in a phone closet or somewhere all your phone lines come together.

Please click on the names below for pictures of the USB units we most commonly provide:


Messager USB

Once you’ve found it, remove the USB stick from the front of the machine and take it with you back to your computer.

You should have received an email from Spectrio, with a link to your company’s secure FTP folder on our server. Open that email and click the link to be directed to your folder. Look for the file with the most recent date and click on the file name to download it to your computer. (Note: if you received your audio as an attachment via email, just right click on the file and select Save As to save the audio to your computer)

When the file has downloaded, open the folder where the file was saved and right click on the file. Select Copy from the menu.

Take the USB stick and plug it into any USB port on your computer. When the window pops up, select Open Folder to View Files.

If there are any old audio files on the USB stick, right click and Delete them. Then, right click and Paste the new file.

When the audio has finished copying to the USB stick, go to the menu at the bottom of your screen and click the icon that says Safely Remove Hardware. Click Safely Remove USB Mass Storage Device, and once the popup tells you it’s safe, remove the USB stick from your computer.

Take the USB stick back to your hardware and place it back into the port.

Your new message on hold should now be playing!

Should you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to call our Client Care department at 800-584-4653 x6377. We are happy to walk you through step-by-step so you’re comfortable with the process!