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You already understand the importance of thorough communication with clients, customers, and partners — but do you understand the importance of communication within your organization? The flow of information between individuals that work for the same company is known as internal communications. Everyone needs to be in-the-loop if the company is to succeed. Unfortunately, improper…
Celebrate any holiday with these Enplug ScreenSaver ideas You might not associate the holidays with work, but vacations like Thanksgiving are very important to your employees. And we all know that corporate communication is most effective when it addresses what employees care about. Holiday screensavers and wallpapers are an easy way to bring the spirit…
Digital picture and photo frames are a beautiful and modern alternative to physically-printed art. Hanging a painting on your wall will never go out of style, but sometimes, you want to display an image with backlight, so the colors and subject stand out. Digital frames are dynamic, too: you can change images once you are…
Culture affects every aspect of your company, from the public’s perception of your brand to your employees’ job satisfaction to your bottom line. Because there’s so much at stake, it’s important that your corporate culture is adaptable and open to improvement – which starts with being able to articulate just what kind of culture your…
If there is one thing that plagues health care workers, it is fatigue. It results in medical errors, illnesses and sacrificed social lives. It also drastically affects employee engagement. However, fatigue isn’t the only thing that affects the engagement of health care workers. Low wages, poor internal communication and work place culture are also contributing…
Wouldn’t it be great if there were a secret formula to managing employees? The truth is, every manager needs to figure out what works best for them and the people under their supervision. Managers’ duties can seem endless and include conflict resolution, motivating individuals to perform their best, administrating company policies, streamlining communication, and more.…
Have you set your remote employees up for success? Working from home is the new normal, but you’re probably still figuring out how to make it work for your company: Are remote employees engaged and working to their full potential? Do they feel connected to your organization and its goals? Even before the recent pandemic,…
You know internal communications are important to your company’s success, but do you know how important? You may be surprised by what recent communications stats reveal about how the effective flow of information can affect your company’s morale, productivity, and even revenue. 7 Surprising Internal Communications Stats for 2020 Strong communications are the lifeblood of…
As the COVID-19 virus spreads around the world, staying at home and avoiding others has become the most helpful and important thing people can do to slow the outbreak. In fact, according to Professor Gerardo Chowell, co-author of a study that uses statistical modeling to investigate how coronavirus spreads: Implementing strong social distancing measures is…
Employee break rooms are essential to your employee experience. Are you making the most of them? Your company break room is a place for employees to recharge, but it can – and should – be much more. Great employee lounges drive success in both corporate offices and non-desk employee workplaces like hospitals, warehouses and supermarkets.…
Consistent communication in retirement homes and other assisted living facilities is more important now than ever. Residents of retirement communities, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other senior living centers are some of the most vulnerable people to COVID-19, the virus spreading around the world. Elderly individuals not only are more susceptible due to age,…
How trending health news keeps your content fresh and engaging They say no news is good news, but is it? Sharing useful information with your customers, employees or patients is one of the best ways to build trust in your business. And of all your content options, health news is at the top of the…
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