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We all know the situation: you have a major work presentation coming up, and you’re afraid of boring your audience to death. Public speaking isn’t exactly your forte. You have a basic PowerPoint prepared, but you wish for a way to make your presentation more exciting and informational. PowerPoint on its own can only get…
Holiday greetings go a long way toward making your employees and customers feel valued. They let everyone know you’re thinking about them. However, it can be tricky getting your holiday messaging right. What should you say? How long should your message be? If we’re talking about on-site or in-office signage with copy displayed in multiple…
The COVID-19 pandemic has been stressful for everyone. Many people have lost their jobs, and those fortunate enough to work remotely have had to adjust their routines. These major changes raise an important question: how are remote workers supposed to stay healthy, especially now? Whether you are new to working remotely or a seasoned pro,…
Definition: Corporate Social Responsibility Countless companies promise to make a positive impact, but what is corporate social responsibility? Otherwise known as CSR, corporate responsibility is an organization’s acknowledgment that the rest of the world matters. A company cannot pursue profit at any cost; it must respect people’s livelihoods, the environment, and social issues. As such,…
Printed signs are out-date, labor-intensive, and disconnected, so why do so many schools still use them? Now that kindergarten to university students are all digital natives, it’s time schools invested in more modern communication systems. Digital signage is a cost-effective alternative that streamlines communication in schools. From sharing morning announcements to helping students find their…
People are social creatures, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that no matter what the job is, your employees will produce better work when they join forces. Unfortunately, not all of your employees likely go out of their way to cooperate on projects or even get along. With cooperation essential to your business’s success, it’s…
We’ve all been there: you want the higher-ups at your company to approve an idea you have for a project. Your pitch was great, and your supervisors seem excited about it. The process should be simple, but a ridiculous amount of red tape makes it last much longer than you would like. In the end,…
How to rollout corporate screensavers across your organization When you choose Enplug ScreenSaver as a tool to keep employees informed, you’re showing that your organization values effective communications. So, it’s no surprise that a successful rollout plan starts with just that – helpful messaging on the value the screensaver brings to your organization and straightforward…
Did you know that replacing an employee costs six to nine months of their yearly salary? You’ve invested time, money, and energy into training your employee, and you have to do it all over again now that they’ve left. When you hire an employee, you make an investment. The more you set your employees up…
How much is poor internal communications costing you? Traditional corporate communication methods can be short-sighted and overwhelming. Between email, online workspaces, phone calls, video conferences, social media, newsletters, and printed signage, it’s easy for information to get lost. But do you know how much that loss is costing your company? In his survey of 400…
What is Internal Marketing? The term “internal marketing” may confuse you. Your employees are already aware of your products or services, why do you need to promote them to the people who create or provide them? The internal marketing definition includes marketing your company’s products to your employees to foster brand advocacy as well as…
Your work environment is one of the biggest factors to determine how much you like your job and how good you are at it. If you work alongside people who are friendly, willing to compromise, and complete their tasks on time, you are much likelier to be happy at your job than someone who works…
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